Dr Rajkumari , Assistant Professor,

BPS Institute of Teacher Training & Research,

BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat

Email- rajkumaridrrajkumari@gmail.com



The score of the private senior secondary school teacher is higher than govt. senior secondary teacher. It shows that the private school teacher were more proficient than govt. senior secondary school teacher. The score of the male teachers of private senior secondary school was higher than the govt. female teachers. So, it shows the male teachers of senior secondary school were more proficient than the female teachers of senior secondary school. The score of male teacher of private school was higher than the private female teacher. It shows that private school male teachers were more talented than female teachers.

Key words: Professional Development, Teachers


Professional Development in Education

In education the term professional Development may be used in reference to a wide variety of specialized training, formal education or advanced professional learning intended to help administrators, teachers and other educators improve their professional knowledge, competence, skill and effectiveness. When the term issued in education contexts without qualification, specific examples or additional explanation, however, it may be difficult to determine precisely what Professional Development is referring to.

In Practice, professional development for educators encompasses an extremely broad range of topics and formats. For example, professional development experiences may be funded by district, school or state budgets and programs or they may range from a one day conference to a two week workshop to a multiyear advanced degree programme. They may be delivered in person or online, during the school day or outside of normal school hours. And through one on one interactions or in group situations and they may be let and facilitated by educators within a school or provided by outside consultants or organizations hired by a school or district. And of course the list of possible format could go on.

Qualities of an Effective Teacher

Merely choosing a profession and undergoing the necessary training does not make an individual an effective teacher. Certain desirable personal qualities combined with professional competence of a teacher make one an effective and successful teacher. The teacher spends most of the day in close association with the students and as a result his/her basic attitudes and actions, his/her tastes and mannerisms have great influence on them. The teacher creates the right emotional climate in the classroom by being friendly, tolerant, generous and calm. The personality of the teacher is important outside as well as inside the classroom. The teacher’s ability to plan and work with equals, as well as superiors, determines the individual’s quality as a good teacher. The natural impulses, urges and drives in students have to be refined, modified, properly developed and directed in desirable channels so that the lamp of humanity continues to burn. The will or conscience of the students must be developed. In the words of Butler “education has to feed the conscience by nurturing it in the desired direction”. The primary aim of all educational efforts, according to T.P. Nunn, should be “to help boys and girls to achieve the highest degree of individual development to which they are capable of”. It implies that it is the responsibility of the teachers to develop the physical, mental, social, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic aspects, that is, the total personality of the students. In the words of Vivekananda “it is man-making education, all-round that we want. “The responsibility of the teacher is to see that the potentialities within the student are properly developed so that they become creative and progressive. Their minds have to be constantly bombarded with new ideas and concepts.

Most Desired Personal Qualities in Teachers

The traits that a teacher should possess are scholarship, sense of humor, cooperation, spirit of service, professional integrity, impressive appearance, emotional stability, leadership, open-mindedness, rationalism, determination, impartiality, sobriety and self-esteem. In addition to these traits, the teacher should also possess an accurate perception of reality, openness to new experiences, ideas and information, ability to develop harmonious relations, ethical behaviour based on moral principles and capacity to work hard. Some other personal qualities which are helpful for the teacher to play his role effectively are the ability to communicate, understand and to relate, patience, ability to be firm and fair, friendliness, dedication to teaching profession and the ability to inspire and motivate the students.


Steven J. Amendum & Meghan D. Liebfreund (2018) examine on situated learning, professional development and early reading intervention: A mixed methods study the purpose of the present mixed methods study was to investigate a model of situated professional development and classroom –based early reading intervention implemented by the K-2 teaching teams from the one school in a large urban/suburban school district in the southeastern United States. Twenty-nine teachers participated along with 125 students (74 interventions, 51 comparisons). Student level data sources included letter word identification, work attack, spelling of sounds, and passage comprehension measures. Teacher level data sources included semi-structured interviews with each teacher, planning/recording documents and pre-post questionnaires to gather information about teachers self-efficacy and demographics. The main conclusions were the following: (a) struggling readers eligible for intervention made significant gains, (b) struggling readers eligible for intervention made significantly greater gains than their non-struggling peers did, (c) teachers reflections on the intervention and the situated professional development were generally positive and (d) teachers self-efficacy for instructional strategies positively changed across the year.


Professional Development of teacher has always been in place. But today it has got a renewed command under Teacher Education Mission. The question is how critically it is being pursued and with what results. We only need to look at the results to decide what processes need to be put in place. Anything that we do needs to be goal oriented. Our present efforts are giving us the results in terms of the goals. They do not and yet we continue with them, it smacks of ritualism. We do the same things over and over; we only get the same results. So if we want different results, we need to change our actions. It ensures that we and our knowledge stay significant and up to date. We are more aware of the changing trends and instructions in our profession. It helps we continue to make a meaningful contribution to our team.


  1. To compare the professional development of male and female teachers of private senior secondary school.
  2. To compare the professional development of male and female teachers of Government senior secondary school.


  1. There is no significance difference between Professional Development of private senior secondary school teachers on the basis of gender.
  2. There is no significance difference between Professional Development of government senior secondary school teachers on the basis of gender.


Statistical Techniques to Be Used:- The techniques were used for analysis in the present study:-

  1. Mean
  2. Standard deviation
  3. t – test


Tools to be used:- Teacher Professional Development Scale by (TPDS) Dr. Yodida Bhutia (2014)


Objective 1

To Study the Professional Development of Male and Female Teachers of Private Senior Secondary School Teachers.

Table 1.1 Comparison of Professional Development of Male and Female Teachers in Private Senior Secondary School.

Male 166.32 19.18489 
Female 162.32 21.72502 0.246743

Table no 1.1 shows that the mean score of the professional development of private school male teachers is 166.32, SD is 19.184 and female mean score is 162.32, SD is 21.7502. Mean score of the private school teachers is higher than the mean score of government school teachers. It shows that private school male teachers are more talented than private female school teachers .The calculated value was found 0.24 at 0.05 significance level which is greater than table value i.e. 0.168. So, t he null hypothesis” There is no significant difference between male and female government teacher” was accepted.

Objective 2

To find difference between male & female Govt. Senior Secondary School teacher on their professional development.

Table 1.2 Comparison of Professional Development of Male and Female Teachers in Government Senior Secondary School.

Male 166.72 26.64507 
Female 160.52 17.75322 0.168896

Table no 1.2 shows the mean score of the professional development of private school teachers and government school teachers is respectively i.e. government male is 166.72 , 26.64 and private female teachers mean score is 160.52 , 17.75. Mean score of the private school teachers is higher than the mean score of government school teachers. It shows that private school teachers are more proficient than government school teachers. The calculated value was found o.16 at 0.05 significance level which is greater than table value i.e. 0.168. So, the null hypothesis “There is no significant difference between male and female government teacher” was retained.


  • The score of the private senior secondary school teacher is higher than govt. senior secondary teacher. It shows that the private school teacher were more proficient than govt. senior secondary school teacher.
  • The score of the male teachers of private senior secondary school was higher than the govt. female teachers. So, it shows the male teachers of senior secondary school were more proficient than the female teachers of senior secondary school.
  • The score of male teacher of private school was higher than the private female teacher. It shows that private school male teachers were more talented than female teachers.


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  2. Velayudhan T.K. M. & Yameni M.D (2017) studied on the ‘’ this research is to investigate and identify the significance of work environment towards the performance and aiso to study the effectiveness of the QWL in the organization’’ . IOP Conference series: materials science and engineering. Quality of work life-a study.
  3. Professional development concept &effective professional development : http://www.cori.umd.edu/research project / real/research/06-08.pdf
  4. http://www.cambridgeinternational.org/image/271194-professional development.pdf
  5. Chpoudhary, S.V.S. (2006). Quality Improvement in Elementary Education-ICT Initiatives. New Delhi Indira Gandhi National Open University.
  6. Dash, B.N. (2004). “The teacher and Professional Growth”, In Theories of Education and Education in the Emkerging Indian Society. New Delni: Dominant Publishers and Distributors Publishers and Distributors.


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